A brick mason, also known as a bricklayer, specializes in constructing structures using bricks, concrete blocks, and other masonry materials. They work on various projects ranging from residential homes to large commercial buildings, skillfully laying bricks in precise patterns to create walls, chimneys, and decorative elements. Brick masons must have excellent hand-eye coordination, a strong understanding of construction plans and building codes, and the ability to work efficiently while maintaining high-quality craftsmanship.
Estimated Pay
Hourly Pay: $18 - $45
Annual Pay: $37,440 - $93,600
The above estimates reflect pay for tradespeopls across all experience
levels, from apprentice to journeymen. They also do not include
additional compensation, such as retirement benefits and healthcare
About the Bricklayers Unions
The International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) is a labor union representing skilled workers in various masonry and trowel trades. Established in 1865, it is one of the oldest continuous unions in North America.
BAC members specialize in working with brick, stone, marble, tile, terrazzo, and other masonry materials. Bricklayers construct walls, chimneys, and other structures using bricks, concrete blocks, and similar materials. Stone masons work with natural and artificial stone to create facades, decorative elements, and structural components.
Tile setters install ceramic, mosaic, and marble tiles on floors, walls, and ceilings. Terrazzo workers create decorative flooring by embedding marble chips or other materials in cement and polishing the surface. Pointer-cleaner-caulkers (PCCs) maintain and restore masonry structures, performing tasks like repointing mortar joints and waterproofing.
The union also represents marble masons, who work with marble and other stone in building interiors, and refractory workers, who install heat-resistant materials in high-temperature industrial settings.
BAC provides comprehensive training programs to ensure its members maintain high skill levels in traditional techniques while adapting to new materials and technologies. The union advocates for fair wages, safe working conditions, and benefits for its members across the United States and Canada, playing a crucial role in maintaining quality standards in masonry and related crafts in the construction industry.